So now I've got the urge to post a few pictures I've taken recently with my Christmas-gift-to-myself, a new Nikon point-and-shoot. Along with semi-pithy comments, natch.
When I fly, I love taking photos, whether in the air or on the ground. Sometimes the results are striking, like this view of the wing as we travel away from the setting sun.
At work, there are busy days and quiet days, Luckily, on one of the quiet days, I had the camera handy and could fill some of the time with snapping photos (don't tell my boss), like this one of the cloud chamber in Space, one of my favorite exhibits in that hall. The chamber shows the 'contrails' of sub-atomic particles from Earth's upper atmosphere, which rain down in all directions, including through the super-cooled alcohol mist in the chamber. It looks like some sort of UFO! Wicked!!!!
The camera has a 12 MPG capture, which, for most purposes, is ridiculously huge, but when I combine it with the Macro feature and upload a big version, the capture has its advantages. O.K., so this isn't gi-normous, but you get the idea.
This morning I rehearsed for my upcoming art song recital in the huge old catholic church nearby, where my accompanist keeps his piano. As we were packing up at the end, he pointed out the beautiful light pouring in through the south windows, which was making some of the oak pews glow. Too bad the temperature in the church wasn't actually as warm as it looked. Stupid winter.
I don't always carry it with me, but when I do and I get shots like those, I'm thrilled.