A weekend at the cottage of friends. I was determined to do very little, and of that, mostly what I pleased. I ended up starting to knit a new pair of socks, had some good conversations, puttered about trying to be helpful, and baked two delicious pies. Being out of the city, breathing lilac-scented air and hearing bird calls instead of traffic was heavenly. I even shook off the week-long cold I had suffered. If only I could get a whole week of restoration like that.
I consider myself profoundly fortunate to be in the company of people who can give me these gifts. They open their homes, buy food for their friends, give the gifts of delight in our company and warm welcomes. The Boyfriend is the primary reason for this bounty. Without him I might still be longing for an escape like that instead of having lived it. I say might because it's possible things like that would have come my way, regardless. And I've made plenty happen for myself in the short time I've been on this earth. But there's no denying he brought things into my life that I wouldn't have sought myself -- mostly good things. So I'm the richer for having met him. I have to remind myself of that when the relationship is frustrating.
An Interview with Melissa Morgan
5 years ago