Where to begin? The weather. It rather sucks. Cold and damp as a dead fish. Not as stinky, though. Spring is supplying some sweet new-plant smells to almost make up for the current gloom.
The Boyfriend is getting ready to launch his sailboat. He's as excited as a puppy at dinnertime. Sailing season is a ton of fun for him, but it means it's twice as hard to get him to do the big household jobs I don't want to do by myself. Like painting the first floor, staining the deck, and/or cleaning and re-organizing the entire basement. The basement has become our de-facto attic. My worldly goods from before moving in with him are still trapped down there, two years after being stowed there. Some of them are waiting to be un-buried and given a home, some I'm simply holding on to, some must be junked, and some will be part of the yard sale which it behooves ne to hold this year.
Talk about procrastinating. Along with two years of taxes, this is the other elephant in the room. I think the thing holding me back, aside from the difficulty in swinging the time off to actually hold the yard sale (my Saturdays are work days at the museum), there's this hulking futon mattress which The B managed to fold in half and wedge into a niche created by a wall and an old desk. Until I moved in with The B, the mattress was beautiful, in great condition, and comfortable. Now, after being stored in his leaky garage and being folded and compressed in his basement, I fear the mattress may have to go to the landfill if I can't resuscitate it. Besides which, even if I can bring it back to a respectable shadow of its former self, I would have to go to quite a bit of trouble to avoid the dump. Second-hand stores don't take them (too much risk of pests). Most families tend to avoid them (bulky, hard to handle, require a special frame, and sometimes not as comfortable as spring mattresses), and selling or giving it away requires advertising.
Sigh. But it must be done, otherwise I can't get to the rest of my... uh... crap. Oh bother. Sometimes it's bloody hard to be environmentally friendly. So... anyone wanna buy a futon?
An Interview with Melissa Morgan
5 years ago
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