I have been advised to make my blog somewhat topical. Let's start by talking about my job. We were informed via inter-office e-mail just the other day (Monday, to be exact) that our maximum hours are being slashed in half after Labour Day. This, despite a cracking good summer, attendance-wise, and the anticipation that, come October, we'll have a potentially record-breaking exhibit parked in the bowels of the mother ship for a good four or five months. The powers that be also decided it would be a great idea to continue with the concept of 'short shifts' in the middle of the day during our 'busy times', so that we have a solid 'public presence' even during our lunch time period. I'm confused. Is this their way of creating some sort of recession-chic????
Not only will most of us have to look for other part-time work to supplement our incomes, but, if they decide to give us short shifts at any point in the week, our availability for such alternative employment plummets. I'm getting supremely worried. Not only about my employment, but about the morale of my department. We are supposed to be cheerful and inspiring and enthusiastic about what we interpret to the visitors. I'm finding myself increasingly bitter, jaded and reluctant to even jump on my bike for the ride to work. I can only imagine what's going through the heads of some of my co-workers. At least the ones with brains.
It's almost time. I will soon have to bite the bullet and follow my goddamn bliss (interesting: the word 'goddamn' doesn't come up in Spell-Check -- but I digress). I've been a lazy-ass about putting in the work to do what I truly enjoy. I've been coasting for a long time now and getting used to the slightly cushy ride, but I can sense the end of the track ahead. Bloody hell. I'm actually going to have to hustle.
But first... an attitude change.
Yay!!!! I'm going to have to hustle!!!!!!
An Interview with Melissa Morgan
5 years ago