I just sent an e-mail out to some politicians and a few newspapers. It's a rant against the tar sands and the current scandal-du-jour involving Afghanistan. Our government has been willfully ignorant as well as blithely trying to brush off or play down concerns about its decisions. I'm so ashamed of Canada's leaders right now, I almost want to vomit. Spitting nails has also occurred to me. Seeing as those two options are, in the first case, unappealing, and, in the second case, probably somewhat painful, I settled for a letter.
Living in a relatively peaceful democracy is such a blessing -- one I definitely don't take for granted. However, this is the first time I've ever personally sent out a written statement expressing how upset I am. I've thought about doing such a thing many times, but either I was lazy or afraid of the fallout.
Well, I've now officially jumped down that rabbit hole. I wonder if anything will happen. Okay, I know that politically, nothing will happen as a direct result of my rant, but maybe it will be added to the growing heap of disgust being shoveled onto our Dear Leader and his Hapless Minions. Most likely it will be lost in the shuffle, but at least I finally did it.
An Interview with Melissa Morgan
5 years ago
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