This is a graphic representing the most popular words in advertising girl's toys from the Wordle(TM) site. "The most common words used to advertise girls' toys, like Barbie, Bratz Dolls, My Little Pony, Littlest Pet Shop, Zhu Zhu Pets, Polly Pocket, Easy Bake, Monster High, and Moxie Girls." (from a creator called Achilles Effect) It includes such gems as "killer-boots" and "ever-after", although, interestingly, I don't think I saw the word "princess" in there.
This is a graphic for boys' toy advertising. "The most common words used in ads for toys like Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Nerf, Bakugan, Beyblades, and Kung Zhu." (AchillesEffect) Note 'stealth', 'dominate', 'weapon', 'weapon' 'strap-in', battle', enemy', but not 'kill' (or, for that matter, 'strap-on' -- phew!)
I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I'm not that surprised. On the other hand, I think the gender equality movement might want to sit up and take notice. What I'm wondering now is, do they have a 'gender-neutral toys' category, and what would the Wordle for that one look like? A combo? A completely new set of words? A mash-up of stuff about nature and the weather and junk food?
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