Assorted blather and musings from my little piece of turf...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

From the CL vaults

More from my CL archive:

tuesday - w4m

my heart calls you before
my eyes

(saw you) before

my ears

(heard you) before

your hand...

(touched me on the leg)

Or this:

Downtown subway line (I forget which), 5:00 PM, - m4w

Every time I've ridden the subway for the last few years, I've nonchalantly scanned the crowds, wondering if I'll ever see an attractive white, thin, medium-tall girl wearing a black coat, carrying a purse, reading a book, with straight, jet black hair draped over her sharp features, down just past her shoulders.

And I did...

Now the game won't be as fun anymore.

Or this gem:


please. normal woman only between 30 to 43 years of age. very sensual a plus.
NO crafters, graphic designers (the worst!), poets, playwrights or shamans pls.
wiccans OK if hwp.
no visible tan lines.

me: up to date eyewear. look good in silk pajamas. sensualist. no visible tan lines.

serious only. with pic or drawing (no artists!).


There was a picture included, but I think it's of him,so I won't post it. Shame. It's really good. In a baaaaaad way...

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