Assorted blather and musings from my little piece of turf...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"I dig you" takes on a whole new meaning...

From the CL vaults:

Seeking woman willing to dig a hole in the woods on short notice,

I will supply:
-two (2) shovels
-a grim disposition
-extreme sarcasm
-many jokes made in poor taste

You should:
-have a strong back
-willing to work at a moments notice
-a morbid sense of humour
-be between the ages of 20-30
-not the type to ask a lot of questions
-can keep a secret

What's greater than the trust two people can share under the stars. Just the two of us, some shovels, rope, gasoline, and bleach.

If your interested, drop me a line!

Mmmmmm. I'll bring the piano wire...

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