Assorted blather and musings from my little piece of turf...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

From the CL Vaults 4

Today I have to start blogging everyday for a month. The NaBloPoMo theme for April is letters. We don't have to stick to that, but it might help. Anyway, I came across another fabulous set of posts from CL last night. April 1 - done!!!:

Salmonchanted Evening - 3o-ish

You can call this chinese cod; Rob,
I'm a game fish, not a bass player.

I've cruised the dating stream, been trollin' down the pike a few times,
Fact is been to every oyster bar; got the usual -
a Rusty Snail, hold the grunion, shaken, not stirred;
With a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side,
heavy on the maaco.

I just can't fathom why i can't find an angel in this aquarium.

Many have a whale of a time: dinner; dancing to popular tunas;
a bouquet of flounders.

But I get tossed that same old line: "Not tonight, I got a haddock."
Looking for a cute yellowtail in this can of sardines interested in a deep LTR.

Not interested in one-time midnight baits. No crabs or clams please.

re: Salmonchanted Evening

Holy mackerel, Rob! Sorry to hear you've been struggling so to make it upstream.
Now, I don't mean to be koi, but maybe you've been swimming in the wrong pond.

If you don't want to be just another catch-of-the-day,
don't get hooked by shellfish goldfishing anglers
who just want to know hamachi you have.

Time to stop swimming around in circles.
Patience and fin-esse are required.
Find plaices and groupers you enjoy.
Spawn a reel friendship first, with no strings attached.

Keep casting,
and wait for the right bob, Rob.
Timing and smelt ARE important.

Keep your pole steady.
Lure her in slowly.
Without a trout, you'll soon be buying herring.

Best of luck!

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