Assorted blather and musings from my little piece of turf...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So, If I Die With The Most Toys, Do I Actually Win Something?

I just bought an $800.00 Yamaha electric piano. Last week it was a Blackberry. What the hell??? O.K. I saved up for the keyboard, and bought it used, and I feel I've needed one for a long time (the 64-key, non-weighted, 48-voice polyphony number that The B bought for his daughter in the '90's just wasn't cutting it anymore, bless its little cotton socks). As we were sliding it into the car, the girl who sold it to me said, "You know that this doesn't have a built-in speaker, right? That you need an amp for it?" I said, "Uh-huh. no problem." All the while thinking, "I just dropped $800 and now I have to go and buy an amp, too??????" Ah well, at least it acts more like a real piano. Maybe that will help when I'm desperately trying to play along with my voice students. Up 'til now, that has been one of the more painful episodes in my work week. And it 'only' weighs 37 lbs., plus the weight of its case. According to the online experts, that's supposed to be featherweight compared to most keyboards. Huh. Well, at least it's portable...-ish.

The Blackberry wasn't quite as essential, but if I learn to use it right, it could be a valuable tool. That's a big 'IF'. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to gettin' jiggy wid da high tech doodads. As I mentioned before, I feel a bit lost in its labyrinthine options, but I'm getting closer to the Minotaur with each passing day. Today it was learning how to re-configure my ring profiles. Who knew there were such things as profiles for one's rings? Marvelous!!! I wonder if it can play 'Blue Skies' for my student next week?

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